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Girl Scout Troop 222
(Dunedin, Florida)
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The Programs Goals

The Girl Scout program can change the way girls see the world and their place in it.  Girls learn the importance of personal responsibility, the value of goal-setting, the spirit of teamwork, and the thrill of accomplishment.  The Girl Scout program is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law and four fundamental goals that encourage girls to:

  • Develop to their full potential
  • Relate to others with increasing understanding, skill and respect
  • Develop a meaningful set of values to guide their actions and to provide for sound decision-making
  • Contribute to the improvement of society


                              Girl Scout Promise & Law

The values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law are at the heart of the entire Girl Scout program. Through the values inherent in the Promise & Law, girls form their own beliefs and values, learn to consider ethical aspects of situations, and are committed to social justice and community service and action. 

Photo of a Girl Scout demonstrating the Girl Scout Promise. © GSUSA. All rights reserved. (Photographer: Lori Adamski-Peek)
Girl Scout Promise and Law

The Girl Scout Promise and Law are shared by every member of Girl Scouting. The Girl Scout Promise is the way Girl Scouts agree to act every day toward one another and other people, and the Law outlines a way to act towards one another and the world.
The Girl Scout Promise and Law are shared by every member of Girl Scouting. The Girl Scout Promise is the way Girl Scouts agree to act every day toward one another and other people, and the Law outlines a way to act towards one another and the world.

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
    To serve God* and my country,
    To help people at all times,
    And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
    honest and fair,
    friendly and helpful,
    considerate and caring,
    courageous and strong, and
   responsible for what I say and do,
and to
    respect myself and others,
    respect authority,
    use resources wisely,
    make the world a better place, and
    be a sister to every Girl Scout.

* The word "God" can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on one's spiritual beliefs. When reciting the Girl Scout Promise, it is okay to replace the word "God" with whatever word your spiritual beliefs dictate.


Things A Girl Scout Needs To Know

The Girl Scout Hand Sign

The Girl Scout Sign is made by raising three fingers of the right hand (thumb hold down pinky). This sign stands for the three parts of the Promise. You give the sign when:
  • You say the Promise.
  • You are welcomed into Girl Scouting at an investiture ceremony.
  • You receive a patch or badge.
  • You greet other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides.

The Girl Scout Handshake

This is a formal way of greeting other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. You shake hands with the left hand and give the Girl Scout sign with your right hand.

The left handed handshake represents friendship because the left hand is closer to the heart than the right.

The Scout Motto

Be Prepared

The Girl Scout Slogan

Do a good turn daily

The Quiet Sign

The quiet sign is used in meetings and other gatherings to let people know it is time to stop talking. This sign is made by raising your right hand high. As people in the group see the quiet sign, they stop talking and also raise their hands. Once everyone is silent, the meeting continues.

    The Friendship Circle

The friendship circle is often formed at the end of meetings or campfires as a sort of closing ceremony. Everyone gathers in a circle where they cross their right arm over their left in front of them and hold hands with the people on either side. Once everyone is silent, the leader starts the friendship squeeze which is passed from hand to hand.

The friendship squeeze is started by an agreed upon leader.She squeezes the hand on the girl next to her (either to the left or the right, but only one way)  and moves her right foot forward (i.e. towards the center of the circle). The girl who receives the squeeze moves her right foot forward and passes the squeeze on to the next girl. When the squeeze comes back to the first person everyone raises their arms - while still holding hands and turns under their right arm. If this is done correctly, everyone is now facing outward. They release hands and walk away, signaling that the ceremony or meeting is over.

The Girl Scout Law in Hand Signs

Here's a neat way to help girls remember the Girl Scout Law

GIRL SCOUT LAWS………done standing in a circle


HONEST & FAIR……….palms out

FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL……….like you are shaking hands


COURAGEOUS AND STRONG……….muscle arms up



RESPECT MYSELF AND OTHERS……….thumb to self and then hand out, palm up, as though presenting something


USE RESOURCES WISELY……….rub fingertips back and forth like $$$$, while moving arms back and forth in front of you

MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE……….sweep arms in front of self and up to shoulder level

AND, BE A SISTER TO EVERY GIRL SCOUT……….arms around shoulders of girls in circle